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An anniversary, a special occasion, a promotion, just a thought or a birthday coming up soon?
Do you just want to be thoughtful? You can say thanks for all the great things, friendship and love.
Surprise your partner, family member or loved one by asking us for a dedication page ad here! Our
mission is to encourage, empower, motivate married couples, relatives and others involved in a relationship. We
will work with you to give your partner the maximum surprise around here! Our fees are modest and negotiable.
Your picture can go on this page.
Friends, Boyfriend, Girlfriend or Spouse's Dedication Message: (It can be a poem,
a saying, a phrase, a joke, a story, a reminder. Get it published right here. Let your creativity go wild as you
try to surprise and honor this loved one. You can also commission us to write a poem or any message on your behalf.)
Dedication to Vivian G or GG
For everything you have been through for the past few weeks (son's departure, granddaughter's birth and sister's illness),
how about trying hard to set the mood again with this music? Now see whether you can forget, for a few brief moments, about
the headache of life. If you feel like dancing, nobody is watching you. Well, maybe your husband will rush in to join you!
(Laugh always!)
Hey, that's what friends are there for. Greet your husband!
Listen to Hot Hot Hot!
Couples photos can go above.
Dedicated Song Pick Up
Turn on your speakers!
Happy Sweet Sixteen to Amanda
Bon Voyage to Amanda!
So many things to see and do beyond the borders of California! Now that you are 16 and are ready to hop on a plane to
explore the medical fields, just open up to the world and embrace the good things that await you. Be like a sponge, learn
everything that will help you become the professional (maybe a doctor) or anything you want to be. Always remember your roots,
your grandparents and parents who bend over backwards to make you who you are today!
Congratulations and hats off to you! Have fun and tell us about it!
Listen to "Let The Good Times Roll"